Bros kerikil
Bros kerikil
Tidak dapat memuat ketersediaan pengambilan
Minimal namun berani, ornamen rambut statement yang menyerupai kerikil di tepi sungai ini dapat disisipkan pada gaya rambut apa saja - sanggul atau kuncir kuda. Tambahkan sentuhan kilau perak yang halus ke setiap penampilan harian Anda.
Dari Menjaga Diam Bagian 1: Sungai Beku. Baca tentang inspirasi koleksi di sini .
Dibuat di Korea
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Ukuran & Pas
Ukuran & Pas
Bahan & Perawatan
Bahan & Perawatan
/ Cuci dengan air hangat dan sabun agar mudah dibersihkan
Bilas dengan air setelahnya dan selalu keringkan setelahnya
/ Simpan perhiasan di tempat yang kering untuk mencegah perak ternoda

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Lihat semua-
Saero Inssa │ Rachel Loh
Welcome to the third introduction on Saero Inssa - where we chat with various insiders behind the brand. This time, we speak to someone who has been working with Saero Collective since the...
Saero Inssa │ Rachel Loh
Welcome to the third introduction on Saero Inssa - where we chat with various insiders behind the brand. This time, we speak to someone who has been working with Saero Collective since the...
Saero Inssa │ Doz 도즈
Welcome to the second instalment of Saero Inssa - where we chat with various insiders of the brand. We are delighted to share more personal stories and perspectives of the...
Saero Inssa │ Doz 도즈
Welcome to the second instalment of Saero Inssa - where we chat with various insiders of the brand. We are delighted to share more personal stories and perspectives of the...
First Anniversary Pop-up in Singapore [Details]
We're so excited to present our very first pop-up in Singapore. Come join us in celebrating the brand's first anniversary! 28 June - Preview - Fully Booked Walk-in welcome to...
First Anniversary Pop-up in Singapore [Details]
We're so excited to present our very first pop-up in Singapore. Come join us in celebrating the brand's first anniversary! 28 June - Preview - Fully Booked Walk-in welcome to...