Saero Inssa │ Irene Yoon

Saero Inssa │ Irene Yoon

Welcome to our first chapter of Saero Inssa - where we chat with the different insiders of Saero Collective.

Through these candid conversations, we hope to share more personal stories behind the talented and wonderful people that bring meaning and life to Saero Collective. 



The model and face behind Saero Collective's first chapter - Irene Yoon; we ask Irene about her thoughts on what makes Korean fashion, her recommendations when visiting Seoul, and what she loves most about living in Singapore. 



What do you think defines 'Korean Fashion'?

In the past, people thought that it was trendy to follow the fashion of celebrities and other people they saw on television. Also in Korea previously, it was said that the face was the completion of fashion, but these days, that has disappeared. Nowadays, each person can express their individuality with their own favourite style. I think this is a Korean fashion trend. It does not necessarily have to be an expensive or very pretty design, but I think understanding your body type well and looking confident in whatever you're wearing is the perfection of fashion.

We'd love to hear what you think is the value or characteristic of something being ‘Made In Korea’. Could you share with us your feelings and thoughts on this? 

Recently, as the brand value and production technology of Korean clothing has increased significantly, it seems more trustworthy to say that something is made in Korea, especially for clothing and cosmetics. I think the reason Korea is doing well in these fields is because of their effort and meticulousness in creating clothes to cater to the individual as much as possible. In Korean cosmetics for example, there are many more products these days customised according to individual skin differences.

When it comes to clothes, I think Koreans focus on covering the body shape, so we think about designs that can turn our weaknesses into strengths. Lastly, Koreans still have a culture that believes it is important to look ‘good’ in front of others, and I think that culture is well incorporated into fashion and is what helps to create and develop better products.

Where is your hometown and please recommend something that we must do when we go to Korea!

I went to elementary, middle, and high school in Gyeonggi-do, next to Seoul and went to university in Seoul. My hometown is such a small place that there isn't much to see, but I lived in Seoul for the first time when I was in college, so it was really fun.

The place I often went to was Daehak-ro. You can take Line 4 and get off at Hyehwa Station. Historically, this area was famous for plays and performances. There are many universities nearby, so there are many things for college students to do and various date courses. Marronnier Park and Naksan Park are also some must-visit places!


How many years have you lived in Singapore and what do you like most about Singapore?

I have been living in Singapore for 8 years and I like the warm weather the most. When I tell this to my Singaporean friends, they laugh a lot. They say they've never seen someone like me who loves the hot weather, but there are indeed people like me in this world! And I like the safe and clean environment of Singapore. In future, I plan on staying in Singapore for a long time. 

How did it feel to shoot with Saero Collective and was there anything you enjoyed the most?

First of all, I feel comfortable with the team, so I was always working with a good mood on set.

Our director, Cheryl, is sweet and meticulous. She always prepares delicious snacks and lets us know in advance what needs to be prepared before the day of the shoot, such as the theme of the collection and what we're going to convey. Photographer Rachel is a person who is able to create a comfortable atmosphere on set. I like her voice and facial expressions, and she also gives good direction and works quickly. Make-up artist Jeremy is a fun person and even till now I can still hear and recall the sound of his laughter haha. We always have conversations on set about what he uses and I learn from his make-up skills too. 

I'm always grateful to work with Saero Collective!


한국의 패션을 어떻게 생각하시나요?

옛날에는 티비에 나오는 연예인들이나 다른 사람들이 많이 하는 패션을 따라하는 것이 트렌디하다고 생각했었어요. 옛날에 한국에서는 얼굴이 패션의 완성이라고 했었는데 요새는 그런게 없어졌어요. 요새는 각자가 좋아하는 본인만의 스타일로 개성드러내는 것이 한국의 패션트렌드라고 생각해요 꼭 비싸거나 엄청 예쁜 디자인이 아니어도 자신의 체형을 잘 이해하고 입었을때 자신감이 있어보이는 모습까지가 패션의 완성이 아닐까 생각해요.

‘Made In Korea’에 대해서 아이린님이 생각하는 특징이나 가치를 전해 주시겠어요?

최근에 한국 의류의 브랜드가치, 제품생산기술이 많이 상승함에 따라서 Made In Korea라고 하면 더 신뢰가 가는 것 같아요. 특히 의류와 화장품이요. 그리고 한국이 저 분야에서 잘 하고있는 이유는 공장생산 기성복들을 최대한 개인에 맞춰주고자 하는 노력과 그 꼼꼼함 이라고 생각해요. 한국 화장품도 개인의 피부차이에 따라 커스터마이징된 제품은 많이 나왔어요. 옷도 체형커버를 중점으로 생각해서 단점을 장점으로 잘 살려줄 수 있는 디자인들을 고민하고 있다고 생각해요. 한국인들은 다른 사람들앞에서 ‘잘’ 보여지는 것이 중요하다고 생각하는 문화가 아직도 남아있는데, 그 문화가 패션에 잘 녹아들어서 더 좋은 제품을 만들어내고 발전시키고 있다고 생각해요.

아이린님의 고향에 대한 소개와 외국인이 한국에 가면 꼭 한 번 해야하는 것을 추천해주세요!

저는 서울 옆에 경기도 지역에서 초중고를 다녔어요 대학교는 서울이었구요. 홈타운은 워낙 작은 곳이라 볼게 없는데요 대학교때 처음으로 서울에 살았어서 너무 재밌었어요. 제가 자주 갔던 곳은 대학로라고 불리는 곳이구요. 4호선에 혜화역에서 내리면 되요. 원래는 공연으로 유명한 곳인데요. 주변에 대학교가 많아서 대학생들 놀거리도 많고 데이트 코스도 다양해요 마로니에공원이랑 낙산공원도 꼭 한번 가봐야할 코스예요. 

싱가포르에서 지낸지는 얼마나 되었고, 싱가포르의 가장 좋은 점은 뭐예요? 

저는 벌써 8년째 싱가폴에서 지내고있어요. 따뜻한 날씨를 제일 좋아해요. 이 얘기를 하면 싱가포리안 친구들이 엄청 웃어요. 저 같은 사람은 처음본대요. 하지만 세상에는 이런 사람도 있는걸요. 그리고 안전하고 깨끗한 싱가폴의 환경을 좋아해요. 앞으로도 오래오래 지낼 생각이예요.

새로 콜렉티브와 함께 촬영할 때 제일 즐거운 점은 뭐예요? 

일단은 팀이 편안해요 그래서 늘 기분 좋게 일했어요. 우리의 다이렉터 Cheryl은 다정하고 꼼꼼해요 늘 맛있는 간식도 준비해주시고요, 촬영일 전에 준비해야할 사항들을 늘 미리미리 알려줘요 준비물이나 theme같은 것들이요. 포토그래퍼 Rachel은 편안한 분위기를 가진 사람이고 그녀의 목소리랑 표정을 좋아해요 디렉션도 잘 주면서 작업이 빨라요. 메이크업아티스트 Jeremy는 재밌어요 아직도 Jeremy의 웃음 소리가 들려요! 꼼꼼하게 메이크업을 도와주고요 저는 그가 뭘 쓰는지 물어보고 메이크업스킬도 배우고 있어요.

늘 감사하게 생각하고 있어요. 

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